Instead, they seemed to place the greatest importance on selecting a forceful spokesman who could both represent their party's goals and convey them outside the Senate.
As a forceful spokesman for Hungarian rights, he is still viewed with suspicion by many Romanians.
The main political support for this position comes from the party's right, and Patrick Buchanan has been its most forceful spokesman.
As top man at what may be South Africa's most spectacular winery, in Somerset West, Mr. van Rensburg is a forceful spokesman for the Cape.
But during the period of his captivity and trial, this wild-eyed fanatic underwent a transformation of sorts, becoming a forceful and eloquent spokesman for the cause of abolition.
He took the name Malcolm X, renouncing his "slave name," and quickly rose as a charismatic and forceful spokesman for the movement.
Outside the firm, he became a forceful spokesman for the housebuilding industry, supporting measures to reduce the cost of local authority housing and he was a keen advocate of building for private sale rather than for local authorities.
At the commission, he became an ever more forceful spokesman against the traditional civil rights approach.
His preacher's zeal, wide-ranging intellect and nimble debating skills make him a forceful spokesman for and defender of his positions.
Mr. Davis had been a forceful spokesman, appearing on national television shows.