His forceful performance continues to fascinate the French news media, though a worsening crisis would carry high risk for him.
Miss Black, also new as the rape victim, made her wanton from the start in a forceful performance.
The forceful performance he'd given before the Board of Inquiry assured that the furor didn't damage his career, but still... .
Still, comparatively monochromatic though it was, this forceful performance retained something of the work's brutal primitivism.
And the most forceful performances, interestingly enough, come from the dissident faction.
Victor McLaghen's heavy but forceful performance in the title role won him an Oscar.
It's been a remarkable performance: effortless, natural, but forceful.
But the finalists turned in forceful performances.
Either the Executive or Cartier should satisfy a luxury-car buyer who isn't looking for forceful performance.
Robert Taylor may strike you as a rather peculiar choice to play a full-blooded Indian, but give the man credit for a forceful performance.