A fascinating and forceful account of a life of torture, mutilation and homicide.
And Mr. Lynch gave a magnificently forceful account of Mussorgsky's "Commander in Chief," and a playful performance of Gizella Zuccaman's "Big Brown Bear."
The film is an absorbing, intellectually forceful and emotionally wrenching account of a poet's bargain with the Devil.
When this approach worked, as in Mr. Perahia's forceful but controlled account of the closing fugue, in the Brahms, it was irresistible.
The conception of the international economy held by world-system theories is, in my view, less effective, although it gives a forceful account of contemporary changes in comparison with earlier periods.
Jock Soto gave a forceful account of the male solos.
A veteran true-crime writer's fascinating and forceful account of a life devoted to torture, mutilation and homicide.
But last Saturday evening, the Dayton troupe appeared as guest artists in it, giving a forceful account of a work that tried to resolve conflicts harmoniously.
The Ensemble Sospeso, playing excellently under Jeffrey Milarsky, gave a gripping, forceful account of the piece.
Critics called it "a forceful account of an encounter between a person and his memories.