The first title gained notoriety for its simulation of forced sex; this was removed from the follow-up.
The visual evidence might indicate rape, but the coroner's report on the last three victims certainly didn't suggest forced sex.
These observations of forced sex among animals are not controversial.
He was behind bars for forced sex with a child.
Cindy knew that the reason she had been grabbed off the street would almost certainly involve forced sex, or worse.
Although legal fine points do exist, little distinction is made in court between forced and consensual sex.
Despite the high proportion of women who have experienced forced sex, very few men admit to having been involved in such acts.
Bundy accused Sharpe of forced sex, death threats and stalking.
The blood, the abasement, the forced sex with her and others; it went on and on.
Sometimes she was punished with a punch, other times with forced sex, she said.