It is said that during the Middle Ages there was an epidemic which forced several villagers to abandon their settlements and go to the village which was not affected by it.
The road connecting Koh Chbar with outside towns becomes muddy and impassible in monsoon season, forcing villagers to travel to town by boat.
In order to protect their domain, they force farmers and villagers to overwork and impose heavy taxes on them to strengthen their armed force.
They forced villagers to give up stored food to them.
But then, the peacekeepers said, the Serbs began forcing villagers to sign papers saying they were leaving voluntarily.
Thousands of villages that are listed as having drinking water are in reality dry, Roy says, forcing villagers to walk miles for water.
"This was harrowing evidence of how the Serbian military units are being employed to force villagers from their homes," he said at a briefing today.
The problem is compounded by the declining areas of forest outside the sanctuary, forcing villagers to forage for fuel within its precincts, reducing the lions' habitat.
A treasure hunter accidentally frees a monster, forcing local villagers to sacrifice virgins.
The survivors said that the killers forced other villagers to watch as they singled out their victims, killing many of them by cutting their throats.