But in the last decade, several new forces have transformed the exchange into an easily triggered, hard-to-control selling machine.
A third approach is to look at the way the forces transform when we shift reference frames.
Beginning with a small collection of light aircraft, the force soon transformed into a comprehensive fighting force.
That force, especially information technology, is transforming itself and the world with extraordinary speed.
Societal Changes Over the past three decades, external forces impinging on the family have transformed parents' and, therefore, children's lives.
Japanese forces took possession of the building, and transformed it into a headquarters.
Two forces common to rural America have transformed Superior.
In addition, he assumed that also non-electromagnetic forces (if they exist) transform like electric forces.
These forces have already transformed the area between 72d and 96th Streets on the Upper West Side.
Moreover, these "forces" do not transform under coordinate transformations as vectors.