American forces had been tracking Mr. Mashhadani for some time, General Caldwell said, and then moved Friday to take him prisoner.
While the American forces in the region have tracked the flights, so far the United States military has not intervened.
Serb special forces tracked fugitive general to farmhouse 50 miles outside the capital Belgrade.
The Government also announced last week that its forces had tracked down and killed Mahmud al-Walidi, who is thought to be a leader of the group.
"You kill us," said Burch angrily, "and every investigative force in the world will surely track you down and hang your butts higher than a kite."
He wondered how carefully the imperial forces were tracking him, and at what point they would choose to intercept him on his journey toward Alhanroel.
Infiltrated into Iraq at night by aircraft, the special forces tracked armored units and hunted for Scud missile launchers.
Using Toyota pickups mounted with antitank missiles, the Chad forces were able to move so quickly that Libyan forces could not track them.
Measurements were also taken to relate forces to track positions in order to rework rough areas to be smoother.
Though American forces tracked the Americans after their capture, the trail has since been lost.