The force of the water toppled him, twisted him until he couldn't tell which was was up and he thought he would drown under the water.
Out of the shelter of the structure, the wind hit with the force of a tornado almost toppling him with the load on his shoulder.
But most soldiers and commanders say they have seen a difference since American forces toppled Mr. Hussein's government.
The force nearly toppled him backward from his seat, but Charon veered away from the other war horse, his high-cantled saddle keeping Jeremy mounted.
The armed forces toppled the elected government of Maj.-Gen.
Not as perfect as Italy, perhaps, but strong and stable and with somec keeping the elite alive for centuries, what force could possibly topple the Empire?
The force of the water toppled him, twisted him until he couldn't tell which was Page 24 Card, Orson Scott - Atlantis.
The same year, the British forces bombarded the town of Nizwa, the capital of the Imamate, and toppled the Ibadi theocracy.
Seemingly immune to the historic forces toppling or weakening Communist systems throughout the world, officials here speak of "mistakes" made by other Communist governments that they can avoid.
They were the first American civilians working for the American occupation authority to be killed since American forces toppled Saddam Hussein last April.