Lawmakers, after all, still lack the courage to force them to fully disclose their losses.
Often, defendants already sentenced to death would be tortured to force them to disclose the names of accomplices.
But if Tormyle could read his mind, why had it forced him to disclose his knowledge?
I told her that no one could force me to disclose anything I chose not to reveal.
The report asserts that torture is used against children in Iraq to force them to disclose information about relatives.
That's why I felt this was the only way to force them to disclose these so-called dormant accounts.
But the rules would not force companies to disclose details of other services provided by the consulting firm or its affiliates.
It could force insiders to disclose instantly and electronically when they traded their companies' stock.
This is the first case in which the 1989 act was invoked to force journalists to disclose their sources.
Business users say they would like the commission, at a minimum, to force the telephone companies to disclose more information.