The force of the boulder smashed through the windshield, crushing my father's head and chest, killing him instantly.
The force of the impact smashed open the control cabin leaving one dead and nine living members of the crew on the ice.
What the hell... The force of the blow almost smashed her into the board.
The force of the draconian onslaught smashed the elven line.
The snarling force of the creature's lunge smashed him onto the floor!
The terrible force of her kick had smashed the bones of his head.
It is possible that the Enemy will not be able to develop similar capabilities anywhere else before our forces have smashed them into defeat.
The unleashed atomic forces smashed 150 feet from me into the ground and made it instantly boil up.
Suddenly the terrible force of Koturo's mind smashed into her mind.
The force of the blows smashed her against the outer wall of the room.