On August 8, he unsuccessfully attempted to order the armed forces to restore him to power.
His forces supported the Russians against the Turks and restored some order to the country.
No force in the universe could lift the dividing barrier up again and restore the reactor to its proper working order.
I realized that no force but magic could restore the balance, and so-" He spread his hands.
And the next day, at dawn, her forces restored, she continued her journey.
Tom and Nona had had their life forces restored, but were tired apart from that.
The force restored a civilian Government after a 1997 military coup, but the rebels remain active just outside the capital and in the country's interior.
Although the force has restored a secure environment, he said, the United Nations relief workers and police are supposed to be "up and running."
Lincoln responded by calling for volunteers to join the armed forces to restore order.
On the other hand, ambushes like today's make it clear that Russian forces have not restored order to the area, as spokesmen are now claiming.