Until then, we demand international forces to replace the occupation forces in order to protect our people from the oppressive measures which have become unbearable.
British forces replaced them in December and took the area under its control.
This force effectively replaced the improvised llanero units, who were disbanded by Morillo.
Moreover, the military forces he used would almost certainly replace him with another leader more to their liking.
His forces outnumbered the colonials by over ten times, and had by this time replaced their traditional weapons with modern firearms.
Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36.
The new force did not immediately replace the Capital Police, but was instead transferred duties under the latter's purview incrementally.
The Xhosa forces were over ten times greater in number, and had by this time replaced their traditional weapons with modern firearms.
A smaller force replaced them in May 1998 for a further two-month tour.
Under the peace accord, all factions are to be disarmed and their forces replaced by a national army.