The King soon crossed the River Forth, and passed into the northeastern counties, where a strong force rallied around him.
But the argument seemed to find few supporters as the major forces in the battered nation gradually, sometimes reluctantly, rallied to the new commonwealth.
The retreating Confederate forces, upon reaching the inner works, all rallied and poured a devastating fire into the charging column.
The anti-Carey forces rallied behind the ideal man to exploit this nostalgia for better days: the younger Hoffa.
But the king's forces rallied fast to kill Marshal Coutinho and wounded Albuquerque.
With no forces rallying to Metternich's defense, Ferdinand reluctantly complied and dismissed him.
We need an organized force to rally around, and we haven't got one.
The retreating Confederate forces, having reached the inner works, rallied and poured a devastating fire into the charging Union column.
As the local Byzantine forces rallied there and the army began to arrive from the East, the Rus' found themselves increasingly constrained.
Both forces would rally at Verdugo's call.