Sectarian forces each presented their own preferred deity as supreme.
In addition, the full force of gravity, unneu-tralized by buoyancy, presents greater dangers and again places a premium on efficient muscle action.
Greene, perceiving the British forces were presenting a narrow front, ordered an attack.
As he lamented his failure as a father, a dark and nameless force presented him with the secret of lichdom.
Anti-abortion forces, at the moment, are presenting more of a united front.
I had long ago decided that those forces presented to us whatever it was that we most hungered for.
We trust they will think this small force presents a great opportunity for a victory, and an easy one at that.
Raising such an indigenous force presented no insurmountable obstacle for Hanoi at the time because several precedents already had been established.
Such "mixed" forces presented additional command and control problems.
As an explanation mental force alone seemed fantastic, but no other as yet presented itself as a possibility.