The unpaid and unhappy creditors sought relief from the pope, who turned to military action in an attempt to force payment.
Joseph Hetherington a creditor undertook to force payment by hounding him on every occasion with insults and threats.
If anyone tried to force other payment on them, they had to leave.
George files a writ of execution to force payment and take possession of the train, Old 97, in lieu of payment.
The petition seeks to force payment from the Polly Peck executive through liquidation of personal assets.
Although illegal, Indian cultural norms often force payment of a dowry to the husband's family.
The life insurance company balked, as they all do initially, but Vitrano made sufficient threats to force payment.
An effort to force payment could drive some of the borrowers into bankruptcy, given how far Conseco's shares have plunged.
But all of the companies contended that any effort to force payment would be against the public interest.
The drivers say they are not required to force payment from the men.