Pressure from rightsholders forced new legislation on the issue.
At many universities, many students and faculty protested in order to force action on the issue.
In March 2012, sufficient protests were registered to force an election on the issue.
Opponents who filed papers with the Secretary of State's office were trying to force a statewide vote on the issue.
Intelligent design proponents pledged to force another vote on the issue.
If the lower house agrees, which appears likely, anti-abortion groups have indicated that they will try to force a national referendum on the issue.
In 1987 efforts were made to get enough signatures to force a referendum on the issue.
Senator Boxer forced a Senate vote on the issue but was defeated, 52 to 48.
Women's Room Yes, but only since 1993, when the number of female senators shot up to 6 from 2 and they forced equality on the issue.
Republicans tried earlier this summer to discomfort the Democrats by forcing a Senate debate on the issue.