The British force numbered 1250, including nearly 1000 mounted men and four guns.
The combined force numbered about 350, with 100 of them mounted.
In all, his force numbered about 450 when it set out across the peninsula on 8 January 1705.
As of December 2011, the force currently numbered 1,000 to 1,500.
Overall, French forces in the region numbered about 35,000 soldiers.
The Russian forces numbered anywhere from 9,000 to 16,000 men.
The force that I could take with me into the field at this time numbered about 26,000 men.
In a state of more than three million, the investigative force numbered about 650 officers and staff members.
The total force numbered less than 4,000, barely half of whom were soldiers.
Supported by artillery, the American forces numbered in all more than 1,200 men.