The helpless boat, all her forces neutralized, was brought up close to the immense flying fish.
But in recent months, as Russian forces have largely neutralized the guerrillas' ability to wage organized battles, the bombings have become more deadly and spectacular.
When the opposing forces of wind and gravity had neutralized, he be- gan to descend once more.
The force of his personalities neutralized material difficulties as his soldiers fought with the confidence that with Napoleon in charge they would surely win.
Using time, organization and superior numbers, indigenous forces sometimes neutralized or defeated troops with firearms.
Only twenty minutes after landing the force had neutralized the fortress at a cost of six dead and twenty wounded.
"On the contrary, this could cause confusion, which will divide the ranks, because if we fight divided battles, the forces working against us could probably neutralize our efforts."
Mosby felt that "a small force moving with celerity and threatening many points on a line can neutralize a hundred times its own number.
The town is the last Muslim-controlled pocket in the Drina River valley that Serbian forces have not overrun or neutralized.
Gorazde is the only Muslim-controlled area in the Drina River valley that Serbian forces have not overrun or neutralized.