We cannot force poor nations to depend on uncertain charity.
Today's terrorists seek through barbaric violence to topple governments, export terrorism and force free nations to stand down.
Outer aggression forced Baltic nations to form more strict institutions of political life.
Then it unleashes its economic clout to force other nations to toe the line.
As a result, it had difficulty forcing nations to contribute.
The classic way was to force other nations to do what they did not want to do, ultimately by costly war.
He said America has frequently used the trade organization to further its interests, including forcing nations to make internal policies consistent with international law.
Some said that a cold winter would force consuming nations to draw on commercial stocks and preclude a need to cut production.
The treaty, effective immediately, could force other European nations, which had wanted greater limits, to back off.
A rising euro, which he expects to continue, "will force European nations to come to terms with pathetic rates of home-grown growth."