Until then, the peacekeeping force would allay the fears of both Israelis and Palestinians of a surprise invasion, deter terrorist incursions and monitor the scene for early warning signs of either.
This operation required Australian forces to monitor a ceasefire on the island following years of civil unrest.
The Security Council voted unanimously today to send a small peacekeeping force to monitor the Ugandan border to insure that neighboring Rwandan rebels do not smuggle weapons.
In addition, American military commanders feared that, without American forces monitoring their operations, there could been even worse sectarian bloodshed.
"Of course MILLIE and the Security force are monitoring it."
Jane leaves no evidence, however, and it is precisely this lack of evidence leads Qing-Jao to conclude that some unseen force is operating and monitoring all the ansibles at once.
In the early years of its activities, the United Nations' main function was to send observer missions or forces to monitor cease-fires.
We establish the Night Watch, So that the forces of Light may monitor the forces of Darkness.
The force, which now has about 700 troops, monitors Macedonia's border with Serbia, the dominant Yugoslav republic, and Albania.
Once peacekeeping forces merely monitored cease-fires with the agreement of the warring sides.