But most wage reductions contained "snap back" provisions, forcing managers to fight time and again for the same concessions.
The proposal, 12 years in the making, would have forced managers of European companies to consult shareholders about takeover bids.
She doubts that a fast-track version of Chapter 11 would force bad managers to shape up.
Increased political and media pressure recently placed on corporate executives over layoffs, he argued, had forced managers to think twice about downsizing their work forces.
In both cases, employees and families were taken hostage, forcing managers to help the thieves.
At the hotels, falling occupancy rates have forced managers to make other uses of workers and resources.
In fact, he was known for forcing top managers at General Electric to identify the bottom 10 percent of their staffs and make them leave.
But they will also force managers, players and viewers to adapt to a foreign presence in baseball: a clock.
The breakup prevented the easy flow of people back and forth, forcing managers to choose their futures early on.
Fears of virus contamination are already forcing corporate managers to change the way they use computers.