Even so, Croatian forces linked to Mr. Tudjman used similar tactics.
The aid request would come before what is expected to be another spring offensive by resurgent forces linked to the Taliban, the former rulers of Afghanistan.
Military analysts said it was possible that the launch was a nationalistic display of force linked to the 50th anniversary of the secretive Stalinist state, on Sept. 9.
But with so many members of the force linked by blood, friendship or ethnic loyalty, Lieutenant Wise - and many others - is skeptical that patronage can ever truly be eliminated.
Child recruitment is also reported by some paramilitary forces linked to the government.
The request comes in advance of what is expected to be a spring offensive by forces linked to the Taliban.
Jewish tradition highly valorised the fear of heaven, seeing it as a positive force linked both to wisdom and to personal humility.
Some analysts said the launch could be a nationalistic display of force linked to its 50th anniversary on Sept. 9.
Those American forces should concentrate on fighting forces linked to Al Qaeda and acting as a guarantor-of-last-resort for the Iraqi government, the study group said.
Kirov had been betrayed by a woman he'd loved and trusted, who had been corrupted by unknown forces linked to a killer he'd let slip away.