In this complex of feelings, constructive and destructive forces lie closely to- gether.
But the driving force behind these new hopes lies with gambling, what some have called "the new buffalo economy."
The forces of the latter optical tweezers lie in the femtonewton range.
"The forces for democracy lie stronger outside Parliament than inside," he said.
While on the dead run, off the wind, the force exerted by the sail lies almost parallel to the center line of the boat.
In this way you can try systematically to determine what forces lie behind the unwanted behaviour.
The full force of the slump still lies ahead, following attacks that began in the spring on regional currencies.
Herein perhaps lies its powerful force for uniting people in a strong bond.
But the force of this staging lies in its relentless tensions.
But the dominant interest is baseball, and Japanese fans wonder what unnatural forces, and disasters, may lie ahead.