Similar to underground tunnels used in rural battlefields, mouse-holes can also allow forces to infiltrate behind enemy lines, providing a significant tactical advantage.
By and by, the force of Yamato Ouken infiltrated from the Oita area southward.
Jackson calls upon his chaplain, who knows the area, and asks him to find a route by which the southern forces can infiltrate in secret.
While 1RUR was under attack, the Chinese forces also infiltrated 1RNF's positions by exploiting the unguarded valleys between hilltops occupied by the British.
These forces infiltrated between the French strongpoints north of Huy and drew out Bougrain's armour.
On 11 September, an Israeli force infiltrated the Jordanian territories in, Al-Rahwa, Hebron sector, and attacked the police station there.
UN planners had not anticipated that the 12th Division would be able to do this effectively, and thus was unprepared when its forces infiltrated the region so heavily.
Indonesian forces had previously infiltrated the territory using small boats from nearby islands.
Moreover, the clandestine operations of the Soviet intelligence services and the occupying forces of the Soviet military further infiltrated the political and social spheres of the new satellites.
However, in the melee, North Korean forces infiltrated their rear elements, attacking the reserve forces and blocking supply lines.