If the Thompsons won, investment law experts said, the case could have forced big changes in the way investment advisers do business.
Fund experts say, though, that by forcing a shift in the way shares are sold, the plan may actually work against investors.
Here the cat has the role forced upon it in the same way as the actresses fill inappropriate roles.
The flowers are slightly fragrant, and cut branches respond to forcing in the same way as other forsythias.
Only the governor can force basic changes in the way an ossified State Legislature does business.
But the state's budget problems could force a dramatic change in the way this financing is determined.
Tight military budgets and a decline in orders are forcing important changes in the way the companies, on both sides of the Atlantic, do business.
By 1988 the strategy of "privatising from within" had forced considerable changes in the way the NHS was run.
And it is already forcing changes in the way Chicago goes about its business.
Raising the age would certainly force a drastic shift in the way the state provides services to 16- and 17-year-olds accused or convicted of crimes.