Significantly, the military leadership recognizes that the armed forces cannot hope to win the war against the insurgents if such violations continue.
This small force could never hope to halt the northern army, yet somehow the fleeing populace must be helped to escape.
The third force does not hope for the withering away of constraints, but aims to supersede them.
But what could whoever was assembling these forces hope to accomplish?
American forces were hoping to approach Tikrit by this morning.
"Certain forces," he said, "are hoping to rig elections again in peace and quiet."
"Only a very large force could possibly hope to take it, Lord of the World."
And Defense Ministry documents show the armed forces are hoping for more than $2.2 billion next year.
Your pitiful force in between can't hope to do much more.
Peace-keeping forces from the allied countries of the region hope to restore order in the coming weeks.