The local chief of the Federal Police, with only 27 men to patrol the state, said his force could not handle the job.
Our armed forces have been handling the details with great success and deserve our full support.
Mr. Riley said some of the officers who left the force "couldn't handle the pressure" and were "certainly not the people we need in this department."
Our forces at the border are handling it.
West was very interested to see how the expedi-tionary force had handled the latest attack from the former overlords of Abydos.
However, Police defended their action, saying the force had handled the situation, including the return of the art pieces, in a "lawful, reasonable, and sensible manner".
During the fiscal year ending June 1917, the force handled 717 offenses.
The police chief announced his resignation, saying he wanted to "de-politicize" investigations into how his force handled demonstrators.
And now one of their head spooks wasn't talking about how his forces could handle anything the Islamic world might throw at his country.
A second wave could hit us any moment, and he believes that your forces can handle the beachhead alone.