He became rooted to the earth as the forces flowed through him.
Though the enemy was checked, and for the moment driven back, great forces were flowing in from the East.
I swayed under the drain of my energy, as force flowed from me.
I discover that the true tide and force of all the facts flows the other way.
Practice told her arms and legs what to do, but their force flowed not from faith, reason, courage, or any other abstraction.
There's an energizing force flowing through this farm - it makes you feel anything is possible.
Being attuned to my pattern, the force will flow at my direction.
There is a force flowing through all of diem, I think, the strangers and our own.
The force flowed through him with an intensity that was uplifting, intoxicating.
Invisible forces flowed from the mechanism to set up a field which no spying device could penetrate.