Several horses went down, but the main force escaped into the hills.
During the cease-fire, Castro's forces escaped back into the hills.
He looked at them, his mind empty of thoughts; but he felt himself being drained: a force was escaping from inside him.
Several hundreds Spanish didn't survive these hardships, but the force escaped annihilation.
Over the next seven days, while fruitless negotiations took place, Castro's forces gradually escaped from the trap.
The German forces escaped to the north of Florence.
The result was a rout, and much of the fighting centered around delaying actions to permit the fleeing allied force to escape.
At night his forces of 3,000 men escaped over the frozen Dnieper, but only 800 made it to Orsha.
Some remaining forces escaped to the city of Temerloh.
The armed forces largely escaped the immediate wrath of a population clearly bent on putting an end to Duvalier rule.