With support from Argentina, imperial forces deposed President Atanasio Aguirre from office and instated general Venancio Flores in his place.
After the September 11 attacks, airspace became restricted, and allied forces deposed the Taliban regime.
In response to this development a military force from the United States and neighbouring Caribbean countries invaded the island and deposed the new government.
After another week of worse-than-expected economic data, many economists now believe the United States is on the verge of slipping into its second recession in two years, even if American and British forces quickly depose Saddam Hussein.
The Porte sometimes employed force to depose the recalcitrant pashas of Baghdad, but the Mamluks were able to retain their hold of the pashalik, and even enlarged their domains.
Sima Yong's forces entered Luoyang and deposed Empress Yang and Crown Prince Qin again.
The Shang forces under their general Wuzi pursued Jie to Cheng, captured him at Jiaomen, and deposed him, bringing the Xia Dynasty to an end.
On 22 June 1828, forces loyal to the liberals deposed the captain-general of the Azores, Manuel Vieira de Albuquerque Touvar, deported him to the mainland, and established their headquarters at Angra.
In July 1909, constitutional forces marched from Rasht to Tehran lead by Mohammad Vali Khan Sepahsalar Khalatbari Tonekaboni, deposed the Shah, and re-established the constitution.
Representative Guy V. Molinari of Staten Island contends that his forces will depose the incumbent, George M. Hart, by a "lopsided margin."