Where outward force constrains, the sentence holds; But who constrains me to the Temple of Dagon, Not dragging?
If external forces are applied to the book so that it slides on the table, then the force exerted by the table constrains the book from moving downwards.
I should have felt happier if I could have buried him in a cave, with paintings of reindeer and flint implements, but the force of public opinion constrained a neat tomb (with marble slab) in our hideous local churchyard.
The institutional forces don't constrain labor choices.
In any short sequence, the molecular forces constrain the structure, leading to only a small number of possible conformations, which can be modeled by fragments.
What force constrained them?
In fighting that went on into the middle of December, German forces successfully constrained any widening of the breakthrough corridor by the two Baltic Fronts, but they were unable to close the gap between their two armies further west.
No force constrains them; they serve me of their own will and gladly, as they themselves will testify.
Without provisions and reinforcements, the Japanese forces were constrained to the coastal fortresses, known as wajō, that they still controlled.