Israeli forces had conducted more than 20 strikes by the following day.
"During the transfer of power in Bolivia, the armed forces conducted themselves better than any other sector," he said.
Israeli forces conducted a series of maneuvers today apparently meant to keep the Palestinians on edge.
Few Russians seemed to think that their forces conducted a perfect operation, but many thought they did not have much choice.
The two forces conducted numerous operations to push Taliban fighters out of the town.
Two troop-sized forces would conduct separate operations about an hour before the main landing.
French forces and de Gaulle conducted a now iconic parade through the city.
On his order, this morning our forces in Baghdad conducted the final ceremony of a mission that has lasted nearly nine years.
Over the course of the next three months, the force conducted a series of training maneuvers in the Caribbean.
The force, which is made up of some 3 200 troops, can now conduct all the missions assigned to it by the Council.