In an interview in the campus library here, the schools' chief executive, Hamilton McCubbin, said that powerful societal and legal forces were challenging the admissions policy.
The current imbroglio began in 1995, when anti-gambling forces challenged the legality of these arrangements in court and started winning.
However, Cyrus' forces did not challenge the Babylonian army.
Growing forces of opposition are challenging this government.
Mr. Deng understood that economic reform and the forces that it unleashed in Chinese society would eventually challenge the Leninist rule of the party.
Apocalypse's forces challenge Scott, saying that only the best dream will survive.
Western diplomats say disgruntled leaders and commanders in northern and eastern Afghanistan could join forces to challenge the leadership.
No major force challenged the new leadership, although warlords still command authority.
More subtle forces have been challenging the river, as well.
Even his precarious military position is at risk, because the multinational force could challenge him if he continues as the solitary holdout against a truce.