In such a primary season, however, many primaries will fall on the same day, forcing candidates to choose where to spend their time and resources.
They said they wanted to force elected officials and candidates for office to acknowledge their political power.
Is this the best way, forcing candidates onto treadmills and into money-grubbing?
This would force candidates to campaign nationally for every vote.
A similar limit on races for Congress hasn't reduced spending; it has merely forced candidates to increase the number of individual contributions.
Rather, they fear that his popularity may force other candidates to copy some of his positions on foreign policy.
Q. Is that support going to force candidates to look again at small towns?
It forces even Presidential candidates to surmount endless hurdles just to get on the ballot and stay there.
Organizers also hope to use the effort to force presidential candidates to address climate change issues during the state's primary.
The snow forced several Presidential candidates to cancel campaign appearances.