His mind, as though ignoring the pain in his heart, forced aside the past and brought into focus the single, desperate task ahead.
Tears stung her eyes as she forced aside all thought of her own loss.
True, they could force aside the frail underbrush and the small trees, but the others impeded their progress.
With a huge effort Nefer forced aside the curtains of rage.
He swayed again, then caught himself and forced aside the temptation.
Who they were and who had sent them were questions he forced aside for the moment.
She forced aside the brush, looked carefully inside, then stepped in, letting the branches swing back.
Garrett nodded and turned away, forcing aside emotions he couldn't define or even recognize.
He rubbed his face again, harder, forcing aside the fog of fear and adrenaline.
Though the thought made a tremor of longing race through her, she forced aside the temptation to beg.