That same month, Hezbollah forces ambushed three of Israeli soldiers along the border and took them into Lebanon.
British forces ambushed the train here and attacked it with bayonets.
Now having his answer, Batman's forces ambush Luthor and his conspirators.
Suddenly rebel forces ambushed the police, injuring seven officers in the firefight that followed.
But when the expedition approached the town, a superior force of Mataafans ambushed and defeated them.
His forces ambushed Nationalist forces and won.
The Russian forces ambushed them as they were crossing a bridge over the Sunzha River.
The American force ambushed Bisshopp's column in the dark as they marched along the beach.
At the annual meeting in Cincinnati that year, militant forces, led by Neal Knox, ambushed the old guard.
In response, Israeli forces ambushed two Hezbollah vehicles, killing eight Hezbollah fighters.