The Supreme Court is thought likely to strike down state laws that forbid homosexual sex in the coming weeks, possibly as soon as tomorrow.
Church rules forbid sex until 40 days after the wedding.
Murder was fascinating enough to the public; now there was forbidden sex, a potent additive that would keep this case front and center.
He forbade sex, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling among those who were living with him.
Because I told them the players' wives won't be staying overnight at the hotel, they concluded that I had forbidden sex.
The Immorality Act, 1927 forbade extramarital sex between white people and black people.
The house rules forbade anal sex and kissing on the mouth.
Some forbid sex in pools for hygiene reasons.
He abhorred the laws that forbade sex across the color bar.
Another measure stirring debate would forbid sex between lawyers and clients.