In the late 1800's, city regulations forbade burials within local churchyards.
Church rules forbade above-ground burials.
The relatives of the Jewish victim, Ilya Krichevsky, 28 years old, agreed to bury him today with the others, even though Jewish religious law forbids burials on the sabbath.
By the late eighteenth century, the Catholic Church forbade additional burials inside churches, supposedly for public health reasons, but the ricos, the well-to-do, continued to buy their way into the churches.
The Cemetery had to be closed in 1877, when the law forbade burials of bodies within city limits.
It opened in 1784 following a decree by Emperor Joseph II that forbade further burials in cemeteries within the outer walls of the city of Vienna.
Roman cities traditionally forbade burials within the city limits.
The design of the cemetery of the City of Genoa dates back to Napoleon's Edict of Saint-Cloud from 1804, when he forbade burials in churches and towns.
Burials directly in the catacombs occurred until 1783, when a new law forbade most burials within the city.
The town council decided on 20 December 1902 to forbid further burials in the old cemetery of St. Peter.