Washington, a captain on the 1954 WSU squad, was given the option to not play against the Longhorns in their home stadium, which had an "unofficial" rule that forbid blacks from playing either for or against Texas.
Following the Cottesloe Consultation Geyser became an opponent of Article III of the NHK constitution, which specifically forbids blacks as members.
The Wilan brothers, who owned the pool, forbade blacks from swimming there.
Following the Revolutionary War, New Jersey banned the importation of slaves in 1788, but at the same time forbade free blacks from elsewhere from settling in the state.
Fighting as 'Jack Johnson' he overcame the barrier known as the 'colour line'which effectively forbade blacks from boxing whites and wrested the supreme prize under the most dramatic circumstances.
June 19 - The Parliament of South Africa forbids blacks from owning or buying land from whites.
But, of course, the same argument might have been made in defense of miscegenation statutes, which forbade blacks from marrying whites as well as whites from marrying blacks.
Although South Africa's apartheid laws forbade blacks from performing surgery on whites, Mr. Naki's skills were so esteemed that the university quietly looked the other way.
Due to the two-colored rule, which forbade blacks from performing solo, the majority of Vaudeville tap acts were duets.
The pass laws, which forbade blacks to be in white areas without written permission, were abolished because they did not work.