This was the beginning of the Fraud Discovery Institute, a for-profit investigative firm.
Social ventures may be structured in many forms, including sole proprietors, for-profit and not-for-profit firms, non-governmental organizations, youth groups, community organizations, and more.
The organization must also select suppliers, consultants, traditional universities and for-profit firms who will act as learning partners, if appropriate.
The international development consulting industry is itself composed of for-profit firms, non-profits, hybrid models, and various multinational institutions.
She criticized the Conservatives for canceling the Martin government's national day-care plan, and spoke against the prospect of large, for-profit foreign firms taking over the industry.
Subsequently, for-profit firms (called Abstracting and indexing services) emerged to index the fast-growing literature in every field of knowledge.
I don't know for sure that for-profit firms like Edison will succeed.
I recently saw a list 30 pages long, single-spaced, of for-profit firms that have entered higher education internationally.
IvyWise is a for-profit New York-based firm of educational consultants that assists students pursuing admission to college.
Major contractors include the German Technical Cooperation Agency and several for-profit firms from the United States.