The world price for tin is high and so companies have been opening new larger mines in Cornwall.
Europe at the same time was undergoing an industrial revolution and this created a huge demand for tin.
The nation's economy suffered heavily when prices for tin dropped sharply after the war.
These all represent the efforts of the "old men" who worked the area for tin in the centuries before the mine came into being.
Worked from the early 18th century until 1945, first for copper and later tin, it was very profitable for much of its life.
Having their suspicions confirmed, however, wasn't enough for tin to go into action.
After the collapse of the market in October 1985 the price for tin nearly halved.
Wheal Jane was probably seriously worked for tin from the mid-18th century.
And they traded for tin as far north as England.
Chinese settlers started mining for tin in the state during his time.