If you selected a word hold down the Shift key and click on the last word of the selection-similarly for paragraphs.
It's as if, for paragraphs at a time, Ms. Lurie forgot how smart she is.
It's the perfect place for polishing paragraphs, coming up with movie ideas and finding furniture (everything is for sale).
It is not unusual for Arabic paragraphs to consist of one sentence.
He was known for intriguing first paragraphs of articles.
The definition ran on for several paragraphs of text.
For paragraphs at a time she leans on plot summary of the timid undergraduate-book-report variety.
A simple stroll in the hallway calls for paragraphs, sentences in your head.
I do not care greatly for paragraph 6 on the European corps and paragraphs 33 to 38 involving the defence policy.
Secondly, I would like to affirm my support for paragraphs 13, 17 and 57 of the Bourlanges report.