The process of angiogenesis requires at least four coordinated steps, each of which may be a target for inhibition.
When statistically controlling processing speed for inhibition and reflection of logical rules, the effects of age were still apparent.
Prospective memory is responsible for planning, inhibition, anticipation, self-initiation of actions, and self-monitoring.
This result suggests that phosphorylation by hexokinase may be required for inhibition of lipid breakdown.
However, to our knowledge, until now direct evidence for lateral inhibition in the vertebrate central nervous system has not been reported.
The domains are sufficient for inhibition of let-7 in vivo.
These groups are essential for inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase and leukotrienes synthesis.
These abilities are necessary for organizational skills, planning, impulse control, selective attention, inhibition, and creative thinking.
It has an IC50 of 100 nM for inhibition of p110-δ.
There are several targets in mammalian sexual reproduction for immune inhibition.