Traditionally, selling life insurance has been a part-time job for housewives in Japan.
Evening news for sure, distraught housewives and sobbing kids, the whole bit.
She was among the first women to be newspaper reporters in Japan, and started with her husband a progressive magazine for housewives.
All of her tips must have been really great for housewives in the fifties.
Some of the stories were inspired by melodramas for housewives.
The fact that alcohol can be bought in every supermarket has made it far easier to come by, especially for housewives and young people.
Retail is for housewives who just need to earn extra money.
Playing mah-jong is one of the most popular activities for housewives.
You're not allowed to have women for secretaries, teachers, or housewives.
These three questions were used in an adapted form for housewives in the present sample.