Even with so many treatment choices for overactive bladder, you might be curious about...
It is usually very bad for the kidney and bladder, and only about four survivors were known to be alive as of July 2003.
Pelvic Myoneuropathy - a new explanation for painful bladder.
You might have wondered, do these herbal remedies really work for overactive bladder, or are they nothing more than marketing hype?
And in some longer term studies, tea was associated with lower risks for bladder, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.
There are a number of tests for overactive bladder, depending on your health history and symptoms.
Even with so many treatment choices for overactive bladder, you might be curious about what other, alternative options are out there, including herbal remedies.
Even without solid evidence to support their use, a few herbal remedies are formulated specifically for overactive bladder.
The Botox treatment for leaky bladder lasts nine months.
After the problem gets better, can I quit treatment for urinary incontinence and overactive bladder?