Sir Jehan's footsteps thumped loudly down the corridor, audible for a surprising distance.
His heavy footsteps were thumping nearer and nearer when the root of a tree sent him sprawling.
Margaret heard movement in the outer tunnels: heavy footsteps, a ticking, thumping sound as of something heavy moving along.
The outer door creaked open, then slammed shut, and footsteps thumped on the stairway leading down to his office.
Hurried footsteps thumped across the quarterdeck.
The animal moved steadily toward him, its footsteps thumping on the ground.
Efficient, Jean-Michel thought as the big man's heavy footsteps thumped across the dance floor.
I heard footsteps thump toward the front of the trailer.
Heavy footsteps thumped along the gallery.
But he persevered, all of that day and half the next, stopping whenever footsteps thumped in the passageway.