The footsteps of the colonists alone resounded on the hardened ground.
In the mill itself heavy footsteps resounded from time to time, without doubt those of the sentinels who were being relieved.
Then suddenly he jumped to his feet; quick, measured footsteps resounded on the cobblestones of the narrow street.
Harrier followed us in; our footsteps resounded in a mansion newly stripped clean.
The eyes of the Black Sorceress did not mark his passing, but his footsteps resounded in her heart.
The princess played brilliantly that night, what little she knew, until the footsteps again resounded on the terrace, and died slowly away.
It was right that his footsteps should resound.
Their footsteps resounded hollowly, disturbing the millennia-long sleep of the dead.
His footsteps resounded hollowly on the floor of the corridor.
When he walked nearer the table his footsteps resounded on the floor-planks and the oil lamp shivered.