Rules emerged about proper upper body, arm, and foot placement.
The foot placement is very important as it encourages the rest of the body to take up a good position.
Fig 62 showed the variables in foot placement and indicated that for smaller boards the foot is placed slightly further forwards.
As with Khashi, I let him take the offense, judging foot placement, balance, strength, agility, blade speed.
Roger stopped, and the Mardukan looked at his foot placement, then grunted.
Additionally, foot placement is constrained by the need to make contact with the narrow branch.
This one's arm wasn't arched quite right, that one's foot placement was perfect.
The chatter in your brain is silenced as you bring your total focus to the next hand or foot placement.
The therapist may also use tiles or footprints on the ground to improve foot placement and widen the patient's base of support.
I watched every foot placement, mov-ing slowly.