She went upstairs after a while to see what he was up to and found him tearing up sheets of foolscap paper, closely written on, and cramming the torn paper into a wicker wastepaper basket.
Carrington was carrying what appeared to be a portable radio: Grant had a black metallic box slightly larger than a sheet of foolscap paper and less than three inches thick.
There was a page of blue typewritten foolscap paper with no address and no signature.
Out of the envelope he took a half-sheet of foolscap paper folded into four.
Perhaps future records should be kept on foolscap paper tied with ribbon: these seem to last for centuries.
The Bannatyne manuscript is a traditional account of Clan MacLeod, consisting of 142 sheets of foolscap paper.
In the UK, foolscap paper is 13" X 8" (c 330mm X 203mm), but paper of the size is now very rarely used, being superseded by A4 (297 x 210).
These novels, a quarter-size of foolscap paper, were sold thick and fast as Kovvali novels had a big clientele.
But for all that the words are still coming out from under my fist, upward strokes and downward strokes proliferating like twig insects on the sheets of foolscap paper.
Indeed, I have in the past done so, filing pages of foolscap paper with words spangled as wildflower, natural and sweet.