A couple of times, somebody, having been there since 8:30 in the morning and with the game over, foolishly thought it was time to go home.
So I walked on, even then foolishly thinking bravado should serve me where luck might not.
Never mind, I thought foolishly, Oltukh will make me another.
Ours was a two-bedroom house, and we foolishly thought the boys could share the second room.
He laughs at Morgana's foolishly thinking she could kill him.
How long had the search been going on while he foolishly thought himself secure at Sholto's?
It was not like that, he kept thinking foolishly.
Employees didn't understand this, and they would foolishly think those promises meant something.
Oh, to be locked anywhere with him, she was thinking foolishly.
Men foolishly think more about this world than the next.